Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Fund For Jennie, Something For You.

   I don't know Jennifer Perillo. I've never met her and until a couple of weeks ago, I'd never even heard her name. A cryptic tweet came across my feed that night, re-tweeted by a mutual friend that Jennie was in trouble. Shortly after that message about this person I'd never met from someone who was a friend of a friend dropped into the roaring torrent of Tweets, I learned about Jennie . I learned that she'd lost her husband Mikey, the love of her life, suddenly one Sunday night. I learned that he'd died leaving her with two small girls to raise, now alone. Very quickly, Jennie was a stranger no longer. The community of Food Bloggers rallied around, and the next week one could hardly visit any Food Bloggers webpage without seeing A Peanut Butter Pie For Mikey in his honor.
    Pie is great, pie is good, pie is comforting but pie doesn't begin to solve the myriad problems facing Jennie and her girls in their life without Mikey. So a fund was started to help Jennie and the girls . Shauna James Ahern aka Gluten Free Girl and Maggy Keet of Three Many Cooks have launched Bloggers Without Borders a non-profit organization of Bloggers For Bloggers. Bloggers Without Borders is now raising funds to assist Jennie and her family. The non-profit is incorporated and is set up with a bank account and a Paypal account to take donations . All funds for Jennie will go through this account. If you'd like to donate to Jennie and the girls, just click on the link below and it will take you straight to the Paypal account. All donations go directly to Jennie.
                Donate to Bloggers Without Borders
And Now What I'm Offering:
   Food bloggers all over the internet who want to be part of this effort are auctioning off all sorts of things to raise money for Jennie and her girls. We've been encouraged to offer something we love, with love. So I'm offering some of my homemade Mango Chutney.
I've been making this chutney for my family and friends for years and I'd like to share some with you. So what I'm offering is a pack of 4 pint jars of my mango chutney. This auction starts now, and will end at noon on August 29. Bidding starts at $20.00.
   Leave your bids in the comments section of this post.  Because of shipping, I'll only be able to send the chutney to bidders within the US. So bid on a bit of sweetness, for Jennie and her family, and if you can't use any chutney right now, all donations to #afundforjennie are welcome. Please give.


  1. Hear ye, hear ye... I hereby make the first bid of $20!

  2. Mwah... That is all. Carry on.

  3. Good food, good hearts, I want that chutney. I bid $25.

  4. Such a wonderful idea. And we love mango chutney! $30.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Can't wait to get that Mango Chutney. I bid, like I said before, FORTY BUCKS S$$$$

  7. The paypal link just takes me to the login page on paypal. What is the name of the account where we need to send the money?

    thanks for doing this!

  8. @anonymous,
    oops sorry about that! must have been a missing piece of code on my part. It works now and goes directly to Bloggers Without Borders..any donation made there directly to BWOB will go directly to Jennie.
    On the other hand, if you wish to bid on my chutney just leave a bid in the comments section.
    thanks for letting me know!

  9. I will bid $45 for this good cause.

  10. alberstadt2003 at yahooAugust 28, 2011 at 8:08 AM


  11. alberstadt2003atyahoo.comAugust 28, 2011 at 7:55 PM


    you are the winner of the chutney auction, please email me at kathy dot gori at and I'll tell you how to make your donation and get your info to send the chutney

  13. The paypal link now works, thanks Kathy!



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