Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Chicken That's A Ham!

 I'm cooking up a Spring dinner this evening. It looks like Tuscany outside so it may as well be Tuscany on my dining room table, for one night at least.
 I'm roasting up a chicken with lemon and cooking tiny early potatoes in parchment paper with herbs and butter. I've made creamed spinach and have spent half the afternoon shelling and blanching and peeling Fava beans. They're pairing up with pancetta, spring onions and a touch of fennel. I took a jar of my pear chutney out of the larder and am serving little cups of chilled watercress soup as a starter.
 We've got good bread, and I've baked shortcakes with a bit of orange zest. They're waiting to be filled with our good local organic strawberries and some whipped cream. The bowl is chilling in the freezer.
  The dinner is in honor of one of our best friends a casting director who's responsible from everything from Titanic to Wonder Boys, L.A Confidential to the lead roles in Avatar. Many actors have trembled to be in the room with this guy, but not this chicken. He knows he's got the part. The Starring Role in tonights' dinner. On with the show, never let them see you baste.


  1. OMG I am LMAO how funny about the chicken and the actors being afraid....what a cute post, have a great evening, would love to be tasting that creamed spinach and the fava beans, sounds like a wonderful meal.... you have a ver smart chicken on your hands! BTW I love AVATAR and of course own it now...saw it four times fab movie,bravo to your guest...

  2. cute post, I love the pic of the chicken..what a great evening filled with great conversations I can imagine..

    sweetlifed you



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