Friday, November 2, 2012

Help For Staten Island

   This has been a terrible week of loss and heartbreak for all of those affected by Hurricane Sandy. My sister-in-law and her husband live in Manhattan and thankfully report they are safe and sound. Many people however are not. Sandy has claimed lives and property all along the East Coast and Caribbean. Many people are being helped as I write this, but many more are in desperate need. Conditions on Staten Island and Coney Island are dire. The people there have been devastated, need help and have taken a back seat to the destruction in Manhattan. So I'm including here a way in which to help Staten Island residents through the website Staten Island Live . Click the links to help. According to the latest news, FEMA has finally arrived in Coney Island. As someone who was helped by FEMA while living in Santa Monica during the Northridge Quake in '94, I know first hand just how welcome those trucks and FEMA workers can be.
 We all have problems in our lives that can distract from the bigger issues, but Sandy is a case where Bogart had it right.


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