I came down with something the other day, the dreaded Summer Cold. I did not want to be writing this, I wanted to do a demo on making almond milk. I wanted to show you some nifty tricks with cucumbers. Those are all ready to roll. I also have to finish this script that I'm supposed to turn in but alas, I can't. I have one of those achy, runny, goopy, sneezy summer colds. I need to crawl into my burrow and nap for a while. I will be back feeling better most likely tomorrow. Meanwhile, may I direct you to Bloggers Without Borders and the Auction List For A Fund For Jennie where you can bid on all sorts of exciting goodies, including some mango chutney from yours truly.
If you don't feel like bidding on anything, click on this button to donate directly.
All contributions will be welcome
If you don't feel like bidding on anything, click on this button to donate directly.

All contributions will be welcome
Kathy, get well soon. I lost my chutney to a higher bidder, donated to the Jennie fund. Now I won't eat so much since I eat more of anything with good chutney on it, and I'll feel good about giving to this excellent cause. Hope I'd have 'stranger' around like you under the same circumstances.