Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tropical Traditions Shredded Organic Coconut Giveaway! The Rules Of The Road.

My friends at Tropical Traditions have invited me to share with you some of their wonderful shredded organic coconut. They sent me a sample a few weeks ago and it's been a regular coconut fest at our house ever since. A lot of Indian food involves a lot of coconut so you can imagine the fun I've been having.
   It hasn't been easy (okay, it's been impossible) to get any sort of fresh, shredded coconut in Sonoma, but Tropical Traditions dried, shredded coconut is a great substitute for the recipes that call for the fresh stuff. I just moisten it with a bit of water and bingo, I'm in business. As for the recipes that call for dried coconut, it's way beyond any of the other dried coconut brands I've used.
   If you'd like to get some of this for yourself, I'm going to be giving away 1 tub of dried shredded coconut to a lucky winner. Here are the rules.
  1.) Subscribe to Tropical Traditions free e-mail Newsletter by clicking the link. They offer all sorts of product specials and cool free recipes.
   After you do this, leave a comment on my blog letting me know you have, and either Twitter about my giveaway (@kathygori) or mention it on your blog with a link, and let me know.
2.) Subscribe to the Tropical Traditions Newsletter and if you don't follow me on Twitter, follow me @kathygori and Twitter about the giveaway. Or sign up to follow my blog The Colors Of Indian Cooking and let me know you've mentioned the giveaway on your blog with a link.
3.) Subscribe to the Tropical Traditions Newsletter and mention my blog and giveaway on Facebook, then let me know you have.
    I have to add for the fine print here:
Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose.  Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.
    I'm offering this shredded coconut because I've been using it and it's great and I wanted  someone else to be able to enjoy it also.
  The winner will be drawn randomly through on Sept 1st

So c'mon and know you want it!


  1. My gosh - with a bucket of this, imagine the possibilities!

  2. What a great promotion Kathy. I can only imagine the coconut concoctions created in your kitchen with this. :)

  3. Very interesting giveaway. Lucky ones!!

  4. I subscribed to the newsletter and posted on Facebook. My link is

  5. I am signed up for the Tropical Traditions e-newsletter and I have "shared" this

    Tropical Traditions Shredded Organic Coconut Giveaway! The Rules Of The Road.
    Read more:

    on my Facebook page.

  6. I subscribed to TT's newsletter, tweeted (Tiffany_Bison) and added the following to my facebook page (Tiffany Lee):
    @kathygori is doing a giveway for Tropical Traditions Shredded Organic Coconut!

    Oh, I also began following you on Twitter, and "liked" your FB page! :)

  7. SUbscribed to TT newsletter. I don't Twitter, sorry, but I did put the link to your blog on my FB.

  8. i get tt newsletters,

    i follow them on twitter,

    i follow you on twitter,

    i twitted about your contest (

    l like tt on fb,

    i like you on fb,

    i follow you here (see little white dog),

    i networkblog follow you

    (and yet i don't think i am a stalker)

  9. subscribed to tropical traditions newsletter and

    tweeted about this giveaway

    atlmuzikfanzinc at gmail dot com

  10. Getting the TT newsletter. I can make many wonderful things with this!

  11. I subscribed to their newsletter and I tweeted!
    reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

  12. I subscribe to their newsletter and I also tweeted (@AlmostVeganBlog)



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